Touch lives this Christmas.

Do you want to share Jesus’s hope with needy children and adults this Christmas season? The Christmas Blessing Project is a wonderful, easy, and affordable opportunity to do just that.

Touch a life in need; send a gift and the gospel for only $5!
The Christmas Blessing Project is the annual Christmas ministry of Message Ministries & Missions. Each year, our international partners gather their communities to give gifts, share a Christmas meal, and proclaim the message of salvation in Jesus Christ. You can sponsor one person’s participation in a CBP gospel celebration in Southeast Asia, India, or Peru for only $5!
Learn more in this short video!
Sponsor a Christmas Blessing Today

How it Works
Step #1: You sponsor Christmas blessings given in Jesus’ name
First, compassionate believers like YOU send $5 or $6 to sponsor a Christmas gift in the third-world. Donation is easy – just click the donate button below, pick the location you want to reach, and enter the amount you want to give.
We’ll send you a CBP prayer card (pictured) to thank you for your partnership and remind you to pray for the person(s) you sponsored.

Step #2: Your missionary prepares your Christmas blessings
Next, we’ll distribute your donation to one of our native ministry partners. Once your missionary receives your donation, they’ll buy a gift according to the needs they know. Some give toys, others give school supplies, others buy clothes and more practical items, and others focus on a Christmas feast.
No matter what blessing they choose, you can rest assured they will use it as an opportunity to share the message of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Step #3: Your missionary distributes your gifts at a Christmas outreach
Near Christmas, your missionary will gather their community to give your gifts, share a Christmas meal, and declare the Christmas story of salvation. As a result, the recipient of your Christmas blessing may very well receive Jesus and begin the path of discipleship!
Best of all, your missionary will disciple that new believer all year long through personal involvement and corporate ministry.

Step #4: we report; you rejoice!
After the outreaches we’ll post pictures, videos, and reports on our social media so you can see the Christmas blessings in action. Make sure to check back on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Christmasblessingproject.com to stay up to date!
Stories of Christmas Blessings
Your impact through the years
Teen Demon-Possessed for 4 Years and Chained to His Bed. Then Jesus Set Him Free!
Every Christmas brings fresh films and books “how Santa saved Christmas.” But only one can truly save at Christmas: Jesus! Here‘s the story of how Jesus saved a young Burmese man from years of demonic torment through the 2017 Christmas Blessing Project.
Jesus Heals Barrenness at Christmas
This year, millions of other married couples will spend Christmas grieving their inability to have children. Here’s the story of how Jesus healed Mya’s womb and saved many souls through CBP 2018.
Unreached Cambodians Learn the True Meaning of Christmas
42.2% of people alive today have never heard of Christ, and therefore have never encountered the true meaning of Christmas. In this article, our partner tells how Cambodians heard the Christmas message for the first time through the Christmas Blessing Project.
A Life-Threatening Illness Healed; Half a Village Saved!
Christmas approaches, and many will soon tell mythical stories of “Christmas miracles.” But during the 2016 Christmas Blessing Project, a Burmese village leader experienced a real Christmas miracle that led many of his villagers towards new life in Jesus Christ.

Touch a life this Christmas. Sponsor a Christmas blessing for $5 today!
100% of your donation will sponsor a needy soul’s participation in a Christmas Blessing Project outreach.